Buffy Crownover is a lobbyist and public affairs expert known for her forward-thinking abilities in negotiation and strategic alliances. Working inside the Texas Capitol for over 14 years gave Buffy time to nurture and cultivate relationships with a strong base of trust, respect, and credibility. She is solutions- orientated and believes in being thorough and persistent.

Buffy is one of the few staffers who served members from both parties and leadership of the largest caucuses including: Texas House Republican Caucus, House Democrat Caucus, Mexican American Legislative Caucus, and the Texas Legislative Black Caucus. Her collaboration and relationship-building skills enable her to spearhead the passage of statewide legislation and build grassroots campaigns.

During the 81st Legislative Session (2009), Buffy worked for the House Minority Leader, Representative Jim Dunnam, as his Legislative Director and Committee Director for the Federal Economic Stabilization Funding Committee. The committee appropriated and monitored the spending of the 2008 stimulus funds coming to Texas. This presented Buffy with the opportunity to work in appropriations and with almost every state agency in Texas. During the 82nd and 84th Legislative Sessions, Buffy served as Committee Director the House Committees on Border and Intergovernmental Affairs (2011) and Natural Resources (2015). These opportunities helped her build her skill sets on how to oversee and pass legislation focused on strong policy.

Buffy spent the 83rd Legislative Session working in New York City at the Department of Education (DOE). In her first role, she led the Gates Foundation Measures of Effective Teaching Study with over 75 teachers and 35 schools participating. She later went on to join the senior leadership team under the Deputy Chancellor where she drove the DOE’s press communications plans and coordinated messaging of key DOE objectives for implementing the largest school survey and teacher evaluation system in the nation. In her final role at the DOE, she worked for the Fund for Public Schools where she raised over $4 million and managed $20 million in grants to provide public private partnerships between NYC DOE and various funders.

Buffy also had the privilege to work for Representative Charlie Geren during the 86th Legislative Session (2017) where she was not only his Chief Policy Advisor but also ran his Committee on House Administration. This experience gave her the opportunity to serve all 150 House members by establishing House rules and procedures, helping to oversee the House Business Office, creating employment policies, conducting new member orientation, and planning member holiday and family events. These roles not only gave her professional and personal rapport with legislative members, but they also perfected her skill sets for collaboration, active listening, and team building. She rounded out her time at the Capitol serving as Chief of Staff to Representative Rhetta Bowers, who led the Dallas Delegation.

When Buffy began lobbying, she quickly grew a client list as diverse as her relationships and experience including companies, associations, and non-profits. She focuses on getting organizations where they want to be by accomplishing their long-term goals through legislative and regulatory practices.

Buffy is a native of Waco, Texas and is a proud graduate of Baylor University where she earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees. She currently prides herself on being mom to two girls and a boy, who keep her life full. In any spare time left over, she enjoys playing tennis and practicing Pilates.